Amanda Start, also known as onlinestylist, is a minimalist midlife blogger living in Dorset with her husband, teen daughter and Labrador.
She counts dog walks at the beach, really good coffee and curling up with a book as some of life’s simple but essential joys!
Are you one of nearly 8 in 10 women who wishes they could open up and talk about the menopause more freely?*
The menopause can be a daunting time in life, especially if you don’t know what to expect and because it is still so taboo.
We brought together 5 ladies with different experiences of the menopause to help start the conversation by talking about this time in their lives and define what being female means to them as they go through it.
Over three quarters (77%)* of women say their hormones do not define them as a female - Every Femal is unique!
expect*Market research commissioned by Femal. Research carried out among 2,006 UK Females aged 45-60 during February 2019
Meet the Femal Ambassadors

“I express my Femal by carving out time to reset, realign and tune in to how I'm feeling. Indulging in life's small daily luxuries like fresh flowers or sitting down with a coffee and a magazine for half an hour really helps me to retain a sense of self.”
Menopause words of wisdom: Talking through your symptoms can be a huge source of support and comfort. We need to tackle the taboo and have honest conversations, not only for ourselves but for the women in our lives that have yet to experience the menopause.

Vicki Marinker is a midlifer with a young family, a job, a blog and a dog. As well as working in recruitment, Vicki writes Lifestyle Maven, talking about the things that matter to women in their 40s and beyond.

“I express my Femal by being as authentic to the outside world and beyond as I am inside my own home. Family is my priority, but it’s important that I have time to myself - I practice self-care daily by taking long walks in the woods with my miniature poodle, eating well and writing in my journals.”
Menopause words of wisdom: We all know about hot flushes and sleeping difficulties, but I wasn’t prepared for the emotional rollercoaster of peri-menopause. For months, I was convinced that I had early onset dementia – I had no idea what was going on because no-one talks about the menopause. Tell your kids, talk to your partner, discuss it with your friends. You are not going mad. Every menopause is different.

Sally Akins is a full time travel blogger and lives in rural Shropshire with her husband, sons, a long-haired chihuahua Charlie and a small flock of Ouessant sheep.

“I express my Femal through travel. I've fully embraced being over 40 – it’s an exciting new stage of my life! I've always loved travelling and now I have more freedom to travel where and when I want. I’m just looking forward to when my menstrual cycle doesn't affect my travel plans anymore!”
Menopause words of wisdom: Some of the changes you’re experiencing may feel worrying but what you are going through is likely to be completely normal – if we can all talk about the menopause more openly the less frightening it will seem.

Pamela Windle is a women’s health coach based in Nottingham, who loves yoga, journaling and travelling.
She supports women throughout peri-menopause and menopause with Smarter Change, to feel strong and calm, by transforming the relationships with their health, happiness and hormones from the inside out.

“I express my Femal through daily practices of gratitude and connecting with my thoughts, feelings and emotions. By writing in my journal, I remember to be kinder to myself because I am my biggest cheerleader.”
Menopause words of wisdom: Menopause is a time to be celebrated - we’re told that we should dread it because it signals that we’re no longer feminine, sexy and desirable women, but this isn’t true. Whatever stage of life we’re at, we can change our experience and perception of the menopause for the better.

Ashley Cramp lives in Dorset with her husband, a skate boarding obsessed teenage son and two small dogs. She is the creator of Lazy Daisy Jones, a midlife lifestyle blog that combines her love of fashion, beauty and interiors.

“I express my Femal through a sense of humour and finding joy in my everyday life, by spending quality time with my family and indulging in my crochet and sewing hobby. I sometimes feel like life is speeding by and I don’t want to miss a minute of it.”
Menopause words of wisdom: Try to remember that it won’t last forever and don’t treat it as something to be cured; look upon on it as a new beginning.
Menopause is different for everyone, but it is very reassuring to talk about how you are feeling; discussing it with my Mum really helped.
How do you Express Your Femal? Share with us on Facebook
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